Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands

Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands
View of Marinduque Mainland from Tres Reyes Islands-Click on photo to link to Chateau Du Mer


If this is your first time in this site, welcome. It has been my dream that my province, Marinduque, Philippines becomes a world tourist destination not only during Easter Week but also whole year round. You can help me achieve my dream by telling your friends about this site. The photo above is your own private beach at The Chateau Du Mer Beach Resort. The sand is not as white as Boracay, but it is only a few steps from your front yard and away from the mayhem and crowds of Boracay. I have posted some of my favorite Filipino and American dishes and recipes on this site also. Some of the photos and videos on this site, I do not own. However, I have no intention on infringement of your copyrights. Cheers!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Recent Activities and Some Photo News This Week

Writing, Dancing, Singing and Talking ( Lecture and Public Speaking), I have done numerous times in my life but I have never painted in my Life. Yesterday was my first time I did Watercolor Painting. My creation looks like a work of a 5-year old kid, but I am super proud I did it.   I know I could have improved it, by edging and spending more time on it, but I was not encourage when I saw the beautiful creations of my semi- professional fellow residents here at THD.    

My First Watercolor Creation-Peaches And Nectarines

I enjoyed this 30 minutes of Activity Here at THD, yesterday afternoon.

Watercolor Painting is one of the activity hosted by our capable Activity Coordinator, Cidney Carbah. Thank you, Cidney for guiding me on my first water color creation here in Planet Earth. It looks like a creation of a 5-year old kid, but I am happy since this was my first time. I was surprise I enjoyed this 30- minutes activity here at THD. There were ten fellow residents who participated.  A few of them were experienced and their paintings were beautiful and looks very professional compared to mine.  But as they say never compare yourself to others and just enjoy the moment.   

The second activity was the Clever Word Games, last Wednesday at the Activity Room at 11AM (see phots above).  This Activity was also hosted by our charming and super efficient Activity Coordinator, Cidney Carbah.


Meanwhile, I took the following photos of the Kitchen Crew during Alberto Alvarez first day of work. Again, Welcome Alberto.  Note that the Take Out Lunches are getting ready to be pick up or delivered. 

Fresh Produce for Our Dinner tonite.

Meanwhile, I found these two photos from my album last year that I do not remember posting at all

My Three D's - Ditas, Dodie, Me and Dinah- Photo Taken September, 2023, Portland, OR  

Enjoying a Glass of white wine During Dinner Time at Newton,  August, 2023

Lastly,  Good News-Covid Cases has stabilized to about 4 residents from 10. But Be Aware that it is not over.  Take Paxlovid as early as you can if you have Covid!     

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