Friday, October 24, 2008

World University Rankings, 2008


As a member of PAASE (Philippine-American Academy of Science & Engineering),I am still getting e-mails of what is going on in the world of science, engineering and education here in US as well as in the Philippines . The latest discussion is the world university ranking for 2008. Based on the discussions, the organization that do the ranking is not really basing it on facts but probably on financial considerations, since it requires a large amount of money to participate. UP Diliman did not participate this year. I agree with Dr. E Roman, President of UP for her wise decision not to participate. The discussion on UC Berkeley, UP Diliman and U.of Illinois interested me since I am an alumnus from the three universities. I informed all the PAASE members that in my mind, heart and soul UC Berkeley is #1 in my list. Not only did I obtained my master certificate in Business Administration there in 1980, but two of my children also obtained their bachelor degrees there. Later, they obtained their master and law degrees from other universities, but UC Berkeley taught them the basic foundation of their professional life and molded them into useful citizens of the world. So, what is your number #1 university or school? I will be glad to hear of your comments. Cheers to ALL readers of this blog!!

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