Monday, August 3, 2009

Cloyne Court-Dodie's First Novel

In my posting dated 7/30/09 in this site, The POWER IS WITHIN YOU, I wrote that when I found out that Dodie's ( my oldest son) first novel, The Cloyne Court was scheduled for publication by Three Clover Press this Fall , I was very exited and happy for him. But deep inside me, I feel a little envious, since writing is not my son's livelihood and writing a novel is also one of the things I wish I could do in my spare time. But this envy turn to admiration and pride just within a few minutes after I read the news from the publisher. I immediately sent him an e-mail congratulating him on his achievement and that my Christmas gift from him this year will be an autographed copy of his book The pre-publication promotion for Dodie's book is at below

What is a creative memoir? Well, it is the same as creative nonfiction. In the case of 'Cloyne Court', the story is based on journals the author wrote while attending the University of California, Berkeley and living at the student coop. So, this novel is based on a true story.
The memoir, especially as it is being used in publishing today, often tries to capture certain highlights or meaningful moments in one's past, often including a contemplation of the meaning of that event at the time of the writing of the memoir. The memoir may be more emotional and concerned with capturing particular scenes, or a series of events, rather than documenting every fact of a person's life.
The names of the 'characters' that populate Katague's memoir have been changed to protect those innocent people that may be guilty. Individual characters in the memoir are composites of several, real people and do not represent one person.
Katague said that more than seventy-five percent of his memoir is factual. He did take liberties with the other twenty-five percent for plot purposes, and that is where the author recreated scenes from memory that were not clearly defined in the journals he kept. Due to that, anyone that lived at Cloyne Court from 1976 to 1980, may find some scenes do not match what they remember. That is to be expected.

I hope you will read and purchase Dodie's first novel. He is now starting on his second novel, The Devil's Mountain,DA, a thriller set on a dysfunctional District Attorney's Office, somewhere in Northern California. My next posting on this subject will be some excerpts from Chapter 1 of his book.

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