Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Bye, Cory

The Filipino Channel here in Northern California was in full blast for eight hours last week. My wife and I were watching the funeral services of the former President Corazon Aquino. She was the first woman president of the Philippines. It was in her term that democracy was restored in the Philippines. Her life and presidency, seemed like a second hand movie to me, since my family and I were residing here in the United States during her term. However, after reading all the eulogy and personal tributes and watching all the TV clips and news about her death, it was clear that we will miss her also and that the Filipino people have lost a woman, who was not only a former president but also a woman who has faith and is loved by the Filipino people. One of the tributes, that attracted my attention is the one written by Eli Obligacion of Mr Obligacion said it well. This tribute made me aware that she almost won the Nobel Peace Prize. Are you aware of this nomination? Anyway, Cory May you rest in Peace, Amen.

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