Saturday, October 10, 2009

Marinduque Power Crisis- Part 1

Russel Pielago sent me this You Tube video via Face Book. Just like any projects in the Philippines, I could also smell a slight aroma of politics. Anyway, thanks Russel for the update. Looking forward for Part 2.


  1. Just want to make it clear sir

    I just saw the video on the youtoube and copied the link on my facebook



  2. Hi Russel: What you copied in You Tube to FB was only Part 1. Part 2 is now published in You Tube and looks like there is a solution to the mess created by the Marelco, Napocor and 3iPowergen with the previous Reyes administration ( Failed contract). Details of the causes of this power outages are described in detailed on the October 5, 2009 posting of Eli on Please read it. Very Interesting!
