Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Improving the "Filipina" Image On Line

Two years ago,I wrote a short article on the improvement of the "Filipina" image on line in my blog, dated August 6, 2008.
I am re posting it today after I read the same topic posted in Face Book. It seemed that no major improvement had occurred after two years based on present comments in FB. Here's the article I wrote two years ago.

"If you search for "filipina" in google, yahoo or scour search engines, majority of the "Hits" will be about mail order brides, sexy dates and dating filipino or asian women etc..

Today, it is not as bad compared to about 5 years ago. Thanks to the campaign of a few of our educated women in the Philippines(, the filipino women on line image is improving. However, there is still room for improvement. Please help! Visit the website above for specific instruction. As a Filipino-American blogger, I am doing my share and help to this campaign".


  1. Hi grandpa blogger, it's been a while ... wow, this is a good campaign ... Ok I'm on it...... Are you in the Phils?

  2. Hi Vernz, Thanks for dropping by, I am still in US and will not be in Marinduque until the end of the year!
