Thursday, August 11, 2011

Response to My Post on Quitting Blogging

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Last week, I posted an article about a Fellow Blogger who quit blogging after three years. She blog in the same niche( Life in US and in the Philippines) as mine. She quit because she wanted to devote full time on her nursing studies. I was hoping, she would at least blogged part time, since she is a good writer and I enjoyed reading her blogs. One of my readers commented on my posting and ask me this question?

"How about you, are you planning to continue with your blogs for the long run? I hope you continue to churn out more great reading. It would be a sad day when you decide to retire from blogging. May you have more power to write in your blogs".

I responded that quitting is not in my plans for the moment. One of the reasons why I will not quit now, is due to comments from readers like you who had been inspiring me to blog everyday even in my "down" days.

This reader is only a few out of the many readers I have that comment on my blogs. I know that I have about 50 to 60 readers per day. But I am getting comments from a only a few readers. This is discouraging because I blog not to earn money but for fun. I am hoping that my blogs are informative, interesting and readers enjoyed it. The only way I can be assured that my blogs are useful is to hear more comments from my readers.

You do not need to write long comments, all I want is one sentence. Yes, I do read your blogs and I found it informative( interesting or boring ). If you have any suggestions for improvement OR TOPICS that you want me to write, let me know.

Several of my readers wanted me to write about the drug development process, since I used to work for FDA. I am now drafting two articles on the subject and I will post it as soon as I finalized it. I hope to hear from many of you soon. Have a Good Day or Night to All. From your Grand Pa Blogger!

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