Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Tribute to MARINDUQUE and Its Overseas Workers

Today is one day before the 2014 Moriones Festival ends. The crowds in Boac last night was just overwhelming, but the one In Gasan is tolerable according to my guests from US and Australia. There were two processions in Gasan. One is sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church and the other by the Philippine Independent Catholic Church also called the Aglipayan Church My guests were impressed by the procession of the Aglipayan church. The procession started with just the clapping sounds of the cymbals with men in black hoods. The clap, clap. clap sound reminds us of the Crucufixion. The Moriones Festival in Gasan will end tomorrow with Street Dancing reminding me of the Mardi Gras celebration of Mew Orleans. Advance Happy Easter Greetings to All. Today reminds me a poem written by Victor Vizarra honoring the OFW as follows:
Balanacan Cove, Mogpog

A poem as a tribute to Marinduque and its Overseas Workers All Over the World(OFW).

marinduque rising: Marinduque by Victor Perlas Vizarra: VICTOR PERLAS VIZARRA, a Marinduqueno abroad shares this poem, and thanks to him, "a tribute to my beloved province of Marinduque and it..

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