Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Is this for Real or Another Phishing Letter?

I received this E-mail today. Is this for Real or a Scam? If you know please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you!

UNDP had sponsored me a decade ago on their TOKTEN Program to the University of the Philippines. Tokten( Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals) is now known as the Balik Scientist Program.

United Nation Development Program UN House, London, United Kingdom.

The UNITED NATION DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM established 1873 by the Multi -Million groups and now supported by the FBI in conjunction with the Economic community for West Africa States (ECOWAS),and the European union, is giving out a yearly donation of $400,000.00 (Four hundred thousand USD) to support individuals for their own personal, educational, Working and business development.

This is to inform you that your email address just won which makes you one of the lucky recipients to receive the award sum of $400,000(Four hundred thousand USD). The email address was selected from an exclusive list of 250,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked by an advanced automated random computer balloting system.

Contact Mr. Jason Morrison via Email with the below information for claim:


NAME: Mr. Jason Morrison Email: undpverificationdeptt@live.com Claims Processing Agent, Verifications/Logistic Department.

Warm Regards Patricia Gallen (Online Announcer UNDP)

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