Friday, November 16, 2012

Dungeness Crab Season Opened in San Francisco Yesterday

Image from business.week

According to the local news in the Bay Area, The first boat load of Dungeness crab arrived in the Fishermans Wharf yesterday. The catch was small but the quality of the crabs were good. The price agreed by the commercial fishermen and the distributors was set at $3.00 per lb which was higher from the agreed price last year of only $2.25 per lb. With this quick agreement, Dungeness crabs will now be available to consumers soon in the area outside the county of San Francisco. I checked our local Relay store here in Fair Oaks this morning. They have not received their supply, but is expecting it next week for the Thanksgiving holidays. However, they have available frozen crabs meat claw for about $9.00 for 8 oz. My grocery man here in Raley informed me that his guess for the price of fresh Dungeness Crabs will vary from $4.99 to $6.99 per lb.

Since I have a cravings for another crab omelet today, I decided to purchase the crab meat from the Dungeness Claw for our dinner tonight. The recipe for the Omelet is identical to the one I posted just recently in my blogs. THE ARTICLE is titled "What did I do to deserve this Treat: AT, dated 10/25/12. The only thing different in the recipe is that instead of shredded cabbage, my wife used bean sprouts. I purchased bean sprouts for only 0.99c per 8 oz. bag at Sprouts Farmer's Market a couple of block from our residence.

We just finished dinner and the Crab Claw Omelet with Bean Sprouts was EXCELLENT. With the omelet we have steam rice and Hawaiian sweet rolls along with a glass of Johanesberg Grey Reisling wine. For dessert we have chocolate cake and coffee ice cream.

If you have not cooked a crab omelet, visit my blog, dated OCTOBER, 25, 2012.

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