Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Bizarre and Exotic Foods of the Philippines

I would never call the balut bizarre or exotic, since I am a Filipino-American. But if you are not a Filipino, I will not blame you. I have eaten the balut more than a hundred times when I was growing up in the Philippines, numerous coconut-rice cakes, fried crickets, stuffed frogs, cow internal organs, blood pudding but not the coconut and mangrove worms and the chicken intestines.

Balut is very delicious and nutritious and consider a brain food. When I was a student at the University of the Philippines, I will buy 4 baluts and gorged on it before my final examination in Chemistry. I dare you to try one, if perchance you have the chance to visit the Philippines in the future. The segment in the video about the underground river in Palawan is informative. This is an excellent video series by Andrew Zimmern.

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