Sunday, June 23, 2013

Unusual Spike in the Number of Page Views in this Blog

The last couple of days, four of my blogs,,, and showed an unusual spike in the number of page views. The average page view per day of the four blogs vary from 100 to 200 page views. In the last couple of days the page views jumped varying from about 1800 to 5500 page views per day. The audience came from Germany.

Should I worry about this or should I be happy about it. The spike in the page views did have a slight effect on my Adsense earnings. How how I wish it had more effect. It did not affect the neocounter in the number of visitors that day.

Is this spike in page views real or is it an artificial spike cause by a robot or malware in Germany. I hope someone could give me an explanation. If you are a blogger have you experience this incident? All my other six blogs were not affected by this spike, only the four sites I listed above.

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