Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Snorkeling in the Amoingon Coast of Western Marinduque

Son David III after his daily snorkeling with Miko our pet dog at Amoingon Beach- a few meters from the CDM beach house.

Three weeks ago, two prospective clients for Chateau Du Mer from Australia and Virginia, USA asked me if the beach in front of the beach house is excellent for snorkeling. I told them, i really do not know( because I do not snorkle), but last year when my youngest son was vacationing here, he snorkeled almost every day when the waves are calm and the sun is bright. Their questions prompted me to search for old articles about the Amoingon coast. Attached is a posting from Marinduque Rising titled Amoingon Beach Colors written by the prolific writer, Eli Obligacion- a fellow blogger, former neighbor and friend.

marinduque rising: Amoingon beach colors: Just a few meters away from the pebble-strewn beach in the quiet coastal barangay of  Amoingon in Boac are coral gardens still home to a ...

Personally, I like to promote the Amoingon Coast as the snorkeling capital of Marinduque and the Torrijos Coast as the diving capital of the province.

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