Monday, September 12, 2016

My Sister-in-Law 70th Birthday Celebration

Last September 10, my sister-in-law, Fe(Pepot)Jambalos celebrated her 70th birthday in the Philippines. She was really shockingly surprise when her two daughters and three grandchildren from US just showed up in the airport in Manila the previous week. Evidently this surprise had been planned by her two daughters Elaine Chalfin and Ella Lazarte here in US and Apartment-mate Helen Nunez in the Philippines several months ago. Today, I have reports that the party was a huge and grand success. Over 100 relatives and friends attended the party. For the first time cousins from US meet their cousins raised in the Philippines. Fe is the middle sister(age-wise) of the five hermanas whose picture is shown below.

The Five Nieva-Jambalos Hermanas- From Left to Right: Fe, Jean, Macrine, Sr. Guia( Order of the Cenacle) and Charro, in Fair Oaks, California, 2016.

Here are some photos during the birthday party:

Pepot with three grand kids, Adrian, Wesley and Samantha during her 70th Birthday Party

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