Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Time for Some Classical Music-A Piano Trio

Just recently, I enjoyed listening to this Piano Trio with Carlos Avila, Ji-Won Song(the violin) and Christine Lee (cello)both from South Korea. In case you have not heard Carlos is Macrine's nephew. Carlos is the son of Charro, Macrine's youngest sister. Here's the video and Enjoy!

For Carlos short biography and musical accomplishments read: http://www.heifetzinstitute.org/program-2/faculty/2015-collaborative-piano-faculty/carlos-avila/

Comments from a FaceBook Friend: Wow! Suddenly, my music literacy went beyond Elvis and The Platters. I’m not immersed in this kind of music but just listening to it touched my soul. I wish Macrine’s genes spread long and wide for generations.

My Reply: Yes, these are the Nieva genes in action on the Macrine's mother side of the family, I believed. We are really proud of Carlos musical achievements. I hope arrangement for him to give a concert at the Cultural Center of the Philippines will materialized next year.

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