Monday, February 27, 2017

I Got a Relief from My Primary Care Duties Yesterday

Dinah and Elaine

If you are following my blogs, you probably know that I am the Primary Care Giver for my spouse who has Parkinson's Disease. Every now and then I get a relief from relatives and friends taking care of Macrine.

Yesterday, our daughter( Dinah) and granddaughter( Elaine) visited Macrine and brought lunch with them. After lunch they brought her to our nearby Mall to shop for Sees Chocolates and a sweater. Then they went to the Food Court for snacks and dessert. For 3 hours they had a great time, just visiting and enjoying the Mall. In the meantime, I went back to sleep for 30 minutes. The rest of my free time, I did some writing and updating my blogs. It was a fun afternoon for Macrine and a much welcome relief for me.

When they came back from the Mall, Macrine was tired and complained of neck pains. Dinah try to massage it, while Elaine was staring. Without any warning, Elaine blurted to us. I am really trying to help Mom have a boy friend or husband now so that 20 years from now I do not have to do what she is doing to Lola. We all laugh. Dinah ask if PD is genetic. I answered some form of PD is genetic, since her father had also PD before he died. Again thank you Dinah and Elaine for your visit. They promised to visit us again next month.

For details on my tribulations as a primary care giver when we were in Marinduque last year read the following:

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