Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Lord is Risen-Happy Easter to All

Happy Easter from Our House to Yours, 2017

Today is Easter Sunday. We have no big plans for this important day in the Christian World, but just to attend mass on TV. I also plan on ordering our meals from Red Lobster and eat the left-overs-the Dungeness Crab Torta and Oyster Rockefeller ( that I cooked yesterday. Macrine is still not strong to get out of the house, although yesterday, she was itching to go to the Casino.

Easter Sunday and Holy Week reminds me always of the Moriones Festival in our second Home in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines. Incase you are not familiar with the Moriones Festival , here's my write-up on this popular festival and other festivals in the Philippines.

Attached are three photos taken by Joven Malabana Lillies of Mogpog for this year festivities. Enjoy!

Photos above are from Joven Lillies Facebook page. Thanks Joven for sharing the above pictures in your FB page.

Again a Blessed Easter to All!

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