Friday, September 15, 2017

Beware of a Phone Scam for Bail Money from a Closed Relative

Yesterday, I received a call from a guy pretending to be my oldest grandson. His voice sounds like Ian and I listened to him for about 5 minutes. He was asking me for bail money. He said he is in the downtown jail. Here's our phone conversation I as I remember it:

Caller: Hi Grandpa?

Me: Who is this?

Caller: Your oldest grandson.

Me: Glad to hear from you. Where are you know? Are you still in Roseville. ( I thought he was calling me for a short visit), to see us. He did not response where he is calling from.

Caller: I do not like calling you but I need help right now. I am in trouble. ( He described in detail how someone framed him by putting drugs in his car. The police arrested him and he needs some bail money.)

Me: Where are you now ?.

Caller: I am in jail downtown ( did not specify if it is Sacramento).

Me: I can not drive to downtown, because no one will baby sit for your Grandma.

Caller: You do not have to go downtown just talk to my lawyer( at this time I was really getting suspicious). The caller pleaded that I do not hang up the phone as he was trying to connect me to his lawyer.

However, I did hanged up the phone. A few minutes later, the phone rang again, but I did not answer it.

Note: This morning I sent a message to Ian's Mom and inquire if Ian is OK.

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