Sunday, September 16, 2018

Latest News on the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease

If you have been following my blogs, you probably know that my wife, Macrine Nieva Jambalos had been diagnosed with Parkinson's about 5 years ago. She is under the care of a neurologist, but since Parkinson's has no cure, her neurological disorder is progressing as expected.

There are days when she is lucid, alert and alive with all the memories of our happy and productive life together in our 61st year of marriage. The above Plaque from Marinduque International, Inc. is one example of the civic and humanitarian projects that Macrine was once involved with passion and compassion to her fellow humankind( The next medical mission of MI, Inc is scheduled for February, 2019. If you want to volunteer and need details visit MI. Inc website or Face Book page.

Thanks are in order to the current President of MI, Inc, Agnes Lardizabal Apeles for remembering Macrine's service to the organization for more than a decade during its 25th anniversary last month. Macrine is so happy and delighted to receive the Plaque. This is one of the two other service award plaques that she has received in the last two decades.

However, there are days when she is low and could hardly stand. There are days when she is confused, angry and ready to die. These dark days always reminds me of the latest development on the treatment of PD and perhaps a cure of this neurological disorder.

For detail information on the latest development in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease, Read the following site:

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