Friday, January 11, 2019

Still Enjoying a Few Spring Blooms in Mid-Winter

One of the advantages in living in Northern California is still enjoying spring blooms in mid winter. This year we have not experienced a hard freeze yet, so a few of my ornamentals protected by the walls of the house are still blooming. Expecting a hard freeze before the end of the month. Enjoy the following photos in my front patio and side yard.

My Ganzanias and mini-Begonias are still in bloom -January 9, 2019

My Ganzanias and begonias are still blooming in mid winter in my front Patio.

The few lemons left after I harvested more than 150 lemon fruit this year

A few ice plant blooms(yellow).

One rose bush is still blooming

A few rhodondendron blooms

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