Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Fears of Retirement

Last week, one of my FB friends and Macrine's relative posted a big headline on her page that Preparing for Retirement is Not for Sissies. Her posting reminded me of my own retirement fears seventeen years ago.

I retired from the Food and Drug Administration in 2002 when I was 68 years old. Prior to my retirement my plan was to retire three years before( when I turned 65). However, at that time I had feared that retirement will ruined me financially. Retirement will make me feel useless and that my Social Security will not be enough. I also feared that I will miss the social and intellectual interaction of my colleagues and coworkers.

However, one month after my retirement all the above fears disappeared. How did I do it? I followed the suggestion in the article below. If you are in the process or near retirement, the following article is a must read.


Fearing retirement is a normal reaction, although it will change your lifestyles. Enjoy your retirement years dear friends and relatives!

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