Friday, July 5, 2019

My Pineapple, Okra and Banana Plants in Northern California

Pineapple Fruit Getting Bigger

Growing tropical plants such as bananas and pineapple is not easy here in Northern California. If we reside in San Diego or Florida, it will not be a problem. However, my potted pineapple plant appears to be thriving and its fruit is getting bigger every day. Hopefully it will mature before the winter chills arrives.

I have tried growing papayas and avocado in pots. However the winters chills was not kind to them. My dream would have to have a green house attached to our house, but at the stage of my life, that is not possible. I am just happy watching my banana and pineapple very healthy this year summer season.

This banana plant will never bear fruit as the climate here in Northern California is not hot enough and warm temperatures last only for about 7 to 8 months.

My Okra and Avocado in Pots.

This is my first year to grow okra from seeds. Our Filipina caretaker gave me the seeds. She has grown okra to maturity in her backyard. So I hope I will have some okra for my pinakbet or tempura by the end of this year.

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