Monday, October 14, 2019

My Most Productive Week of Personal Blogging

First Week of Autumn- Photo from
Last week was my most productive week of personal blogging. I wrote  six articles from October 6 to 13. The subjects varied from Dodies' first novel, Cloyne Court ( )to Ditas resemblance to her Grandmother  (  I usually just write only 2 to 3 articles per week.

I wrote on a variety of subjects:

1.  A Thoughtful Relative and Neighbor
2. Macrine's Favorite Lunch
Lengua Tacos (Beef Tongue)-One of Macrine's Favorite lunches

3. Seventeen Years after My Retirement from the FDA

4. Coping with Grief- Ditas and Carenna

I am reposting the articles above in case you missed reading them. A  happy autumn day greetings to all my FB friends and relatives all over the world!

Here's Nat King Cole rendition of Autumn Leaves for your listening pleasure:

Topics in my blogs in the next two weeks: antimalarials, Benzo's, SSRI, diabetic and mirtazapine drugs

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