Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Frustrated with the Impeachment Process? Clean-Up Your Closet

Not Happy with the Impeachment Process? Do Something Constructive by Cleaning your Closet/House

I started cleaning my closet today and found out I have 20 belts.

I have done constructive work today-getting rid of my residual anger and frustration from the impeachment trial by cleaning my closet. 

I have decided to donate 250 ties from my 300 ties collection that I started in 1964. Parting it was just like losing part of my life. My son and wife had been urging me to give it away to Good Will or Salvation Army for the last couple of years, since I had not used a tie since my retirement from FDA in 2002. The collection is just occupying needed space in my closet. So today, I unwillingly donated 250 ties, but I kept 50 most colorful ties in my closet.

One of the 50 remaining ties has a painting of nude woman, several others have art and embroidered flower designs, and another has the face of Marilyn Monroe. Looking at them reminded me of my professional career from 1964 to 2002. Nostalgic memories, Indeed!
Eight of the remaining 50 ties in my collection

Samples of 1970 ties that I donated to Goodwill

For more information on men's ties from the 1920 to 1970 read:


Meanwhile, enjoy these photos after my clean-up of the whole house

Living Room after Clean-Up

Family Room After Clean-Up

Kitchen Window After Clean-Up

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