Sunday, February 23, 2020

A Good Provider is One Who Leaves-A Book Review

I just finished reading Jason DeParle 2nd book on Migration. The central character of this non-fiction book is Rosalie, a nurse from the Philippines who immigrated to the US after decades of waiting.

I enjoyed the book so much, I finished reading it in one day. The story is one that I have read in the Philippine newspapers and stories from friends and relatives in the Philippines. I have relatives and acquaintances who had similar experiences, therefore  I really identified with the book.

I have relatives that worked in the cruise ships, maids, nannies, and nurses aides. I know of Filipinos MD's who worked as nursing aides in the US, because they have no medical license.  The author has captured the power, perils, and sacrifices of immigrants specifically a filipino family working away from home in foreign hospitals, hotels, cruise ships  and as maids. Loneliness, and broken marriages results. Here's one of the reviews of this beautifully written non-fiction book. Enjoy!

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