Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Trump Lovers Reaction in MY Facebook Page

For the last couple of months, I had been sharing in my FaceBook Page, some of articles, jokes and news about Trump and his handling of the covid-19 pandemic.  I have shared more than 15 articles and here's a few comments from Trump Lovers/Idolators/Supporters.

1. You anti Trump crowd automatically takes the opposite of his positions. He is our president/leader. Look up the long list of his accomplishments. Are you brave enough to acknowledge it? I doubt it. He is the best president we've had in a long time. Four more years !

2. I pity you DK, you should be ashame of yourself!

3. Get a Life!

4. Stopped this Nonsense 

5. Fake News!

6. Why? It is sad!

7. He saved thousands of unborn children!

The #3 comment was from a friend who died of heart attack 2 days after posting his comment. I hope the anti-Trump article from CNN was not the trigger.
My  Favorite Joke of the Decade

I do not answer to the above comments. However,  the more comments I received the more anti-Trump articles or jokes I will share in my FB page. 

Meanwhile enjoy this photo from my picture window I took the other day! 

Romancing the Virus

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