Tuesday, June 16, 2020

New Haircuts after 90 Days of Quarantine

Macrine and I had haircuts the other day(home service) after over 90 stays of self-quarantine at home. I had been searching for a local barber or hair stylist that do home service in our area for the last couple of months after our regular barber refused to do home service because of Covid-19 restrictions.

My neighbor suggested that I post a request for home service in our neighborhood newspaper-on-line. Lo and Behold I got a response last week. Leslie ( named of hair stylish) said she will be available in the next couple of days. Needless to say Macrine and I had haircuts yesterday. Leslie got a good tip and Macrine and I are happy with our new look ( see Photos attached ). 

Meanwhile enjoy my new recipe of back ribs and ox tails soup.
Green Beans and Bok choy vegetables served on the Side

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