Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Responses to My Request for Macrine's Pictures for her Memory Album

Ben (Benjie) and Victoria(Vicky) Abellera with me and Macrine, Colesville, MD 1995( not sure of the year)-Dinner at our residence in Hammonton Road 

As part of my series, Celebration of Life on Macrine's memory, I requested that if someone have pictures of Macrine in their possession to share it with me.

Two friends responded. The latest response I received was from Vicky Abellera, from Maryland. Vicky and husband Benjie and I were members of the University of the Philippines Alumni Association of the Capital Area ( Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC). I believe this was around the early to mid 1990's. 

" The University of the Philippines (UP) Alumni Association of the District of Columbia, State of Maryland and Commonwealth of Virginia Chapter  is a nonprofit organization of former students, and friends of UP.  The alumni membership is infused with a spirit of loyalty to the alma mater, service to the Nation’s capital area, and commitment to the Motherland.  The Association promotes the character, traditions and goals of the University through scholarships, professorial chair, and other educational programs, issues, cultural activities and public service.  A common thread of volunteerism and generosity runs through the membership. The Association has offered its excellence and leadership to Community and Country – all traits of which are embodied in the University’s symbol, the Oblation."(

The Abelleras are currently in contact with me via Face Book. Here are the photos taken during a Dinner that Macrine and I hosted at our residence in Hammonton Rd, Colesville, Maryland.

Steak Dinner with another UP alumnus Nena Soberano. The Painting of the Nipa Hut and the water buffalo by Jesse Santos is still hanging in our formal dining room today here in Fair Oaks, California. 

The first response was from Agnes Lardizabal Apeles- former President of MI, Inc. She sent me this photo of Macrine with her older sister Clemen Lardizabal Perez. The photo was taken at our Conference Hall, Chateau Du Mer, Amoingon, Boac, Marinduque,2010. Clemen and Macrine were high school classmates.

Meanwhile, enjoy Benjie Abellera playing Chopin Etude #10-popularly known as "I am always Chasing Rainbows"-This is one of Macrine's Piano favorite piece!


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