Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pleasant Memories Three Years Ago-Macrine Swimming in Our Backyard Pool

Macrine and I in 1996 and in 1994 getting ready to Party, Washington DC

Macrine was still strong enough to go for a short swim in our backyard three years ago today. I documented it with a short video below.

Pleasant Memories of Three Years Ago- Macrine Swimming in our backyard pool!

Macrine passed away on August 10, 2020. I am still trying to cope with my grief by blogging, but sometimes small events trigger memories and I can not stop crying.  The other day, I was eating a mango. Suddenly. I remember spoon feeding her with a ripe mango that she enjoyed very much. 

While writing this I also remember an article on how we balanced frugality and extravagance during our more than 63 years of married life

One of Macrine's extravagance is her love of Shiseido Cosmetic Products as follows: 

   Meanwhile enjoy this photo from Pinterest

A Purple Sky and Lake with the Setting Sun

Also a short video during Macrine's wake-Carenna singing Hallelujah, August 10, 2020


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