Saturday, February 6, 2021

The De Young Museum of Fine Arts in San Francisco

This is a continuation of my series on Art Museums and Historical places that Macrine(RIP) and I had visited during our younger years. This is Part 7 of 10.

Photo Credit: California Beaches: The De Young Museum of Fine Arts

During our residence in the Central Valley ( Modesto, CA) and in the North Bay (Pinole, Ca), for several decades Macrine (RIP) and I had numerous times visiting San Francisco, shopping, sight seeing, dining, as well as visiting museums in the Golden Gate Park area. There are 10 best art museums in San Francisco, but our favorite is the De Young Museum of Fine Arts. We visited the museum once when we were residing in Modesto and twice when were residing in Pinole, California.

The following are videos highlighting exhibits and architecture of the Museum.


For details of other museums visit:


Meanwhile, enjoy this photo from my collection

My Hammock ( Duyan) at Chateau Du Mer, Boac, Marinduque, Philippines


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