Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Covid-19 Vaccines Hesitancy-Is Herd Immunity Achievable?

According to the latest survey about 1 in 4 of the US population has no intention of being vaccinated with Covid-19 vaccines available or are hesitant for one reasons or another. One of the main reasons is about its safety and the other is its easy access and convenience. However, just a few days ago, easy access to the vaccination sites ( no appointment is needed) is now available in almost every States to anyone who wants the vaccine. I am happy to report that as of today all of my close relatives here in NC are now fully vaccinated.

The following two videos discuss and explained why vaccines is important to bring us to normalcy.



One of the reasons why I am writing this article was the sadness and shock I received when I heard recently that a very close relative and her husband do not want to be vaccinated because the vaccines currently available are experimental inoculants ( her exact words). The reason why I was shocked was due to the fact that these two relatives are highly college educated and I felt are people that believe in science.  However, I guess their real reasons are either religious or political bias.

The following article addressed the common concerns on the Covid-19 vaccines hesitancy from Beaumont.org


Meanwhile, enjoy these photos about my small backyard projects this year.

My Tomato(Early Girl) starting to bloom, my ampalaya( bitter melon) starting to sprout from seeds and my first day lily bloom.



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