Saturday, October 23, 2021

The 2021 and 1984 Movie Versions of Dune on My HBOMax Account

Photo Credit: Wikipedia -The Giant Sand Worm

I just finished watching the premier of Dune, 2021 with Timothee Chalamet and Zendaya last night as well as the 1984 movie version of David Lynch. I enjoyed them both but personally I enjoyed the old version. The development of both versions is complicated and fill with controversy. 

If you are interested in the history and development of the two movie versions read, and

The 2021 version is now in the movie theaters as well as in HBO Max. Since I am home bound and scared of exposure to the non-vaccinated persons watching it in my Big TV screen at home is a blessing.

There are several reviews of the 2021 movie and here's one of them.

I agree 100% with this review- 1984 version is the whole story- The 2021 version is only Part 1.

Here's one of the Trailers of the 2021 Movie Version



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