Wednesday, October 20, 2021

What Do You Know about Deepfake Apps and Websites


Just recently CBS "60 Minutes" featured an interesting segment about Deepfakes Applications. It aroused my interest and I like to share what I learned about Deepfakes Apps and websites with you today. I hope you find it useful and Informative and be aware of its danger to society when used illegally.  

Here's a summary from Wikipedia:

Deepfakes (a portmanteau of "deep learning" and "fake" are synthetic media in which a person in an existing image or video is replaced with someone else's likeness. While the act of faking content is not new, deepfakes leverage powerful techniques from machine learning and artificial intelligence to manipulate or generate visual and audio content with a high potential to deceive. The main machine learning methods used to create deepfakes are based on deep learning and involve training generative neural network architectures, such as autoencoders or generative adversarial networks (GANs)

Deepfakes have garnered widespread attention for their uses in celebrity pornographic videos, revenge porn, fake news, hoaxes, and financial fraud.This has elicited responses from both industry and government to detect and limit their use.

For complete details visit these Wikipedia site:


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What software is used for Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are created using artificial intelligence and machine learning software. All the apps mentioned on this list use built-in AI and ML software to create deepfake videos and photos.

Q. Who invented deepfake?

According to Wikipedia, the word Deepfake originated in 2017 from a Reddit user named “deepfakes”. That said, no one man can claim Deepfake’s invention. The work done in computer vision, AI, and ML made it feasible for researchers and armatures to create deepfakes. There’s no single person who invented this.

Q. How dangerous is deepfake?

Deepfake is really dangerous for society. Since most online users believe stuff without verifying them, deepfake poses a huge threat to the truth. That being said, the technology is not there to convincingly fool anyone right now. It will be there in a few years and both governments and tech giants will have to work together to tackle this problem.

Q. Is deepfake AI?

Yes, deepfake apps and websites use AI, ML, and machine vision to create deepfakes.

Q. Is it illegal to make deepfake videos?

No, it’s not illegal to create deepfake videos as long as you are explicitly depicting them as deepfake videos and not using them for disingenuously misleading people. That said, if you’re using someone else’s photos to make a deepfake, do ensure you have permission to use their photos, or you will leave yourself open to legal issues. For the best 10 apps and websites visit:



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