Saturday, March 26, 2022

Remembering My Two Departed Loveones-Macrine and David E

Some Members of the Katague-Jambalos Clan with Neighbor Lina Edison. Macrine is between David E and Myself seating on the sofa. Photo taken during Macrine's 82nd birthday, Fair Oaks, CA.

Today would have been Macrine 86th birthday. Every March 26 the Katague Clan would celebrate this day either with a simple lunch or an elaborate fiesta ( with numerous guests) honoring Macrine's birthday herein the US or in Boac, Marinduque, Philippines. 

Macrine and David E were very closed, although at times they would have heated discussions on a few subjects that they disagree on. 

Here's David helping her Mom do her swimming therapy at our pool, 2017. 


David E at Ian King Wedding, November, 2021

I also mourned the sudden passing of my youngest son, David E III last week. The saddest part was that his dream of early retirement and enjoying Chateau Du Mer was cut short, But I hope David is enjoying the company of his Mom in Heaven. I did not participate verbally during last Thursday Zoom Memorial for David III organized by Dinah. Dodie, Dinah and Ditas and a few others gave tribute to His life. Dodie's tribute showed his imperfections and mentioned that as far as he knew David did not have a girl friend. This is the time to correct it.  David did dated and had a girl friend for a while when he was living with us in Maryland. Ditas mentioned his athletic prowess as having the most stolen bases in baseball when we were residents of Modesto, CA. I may also add that David E. also broke the record for the best performance of a running back for distance in one carry and accumulation of yards in one season in the Pee Wee Football League in the Richmond Unified District. He was indeed a fast runner and very athletic!

In my previous blogs celebrating David's life, I mentioned that because David was working for the OMB in the White House, we get annual Christmas cards from Bill and Hillary Clinton. We also get VIP tours of the White House on Christmas and attended several parties in the White House lawn for OMB employees and their immediate families.  Another event, I will never forget was David's assistance in allowing Macrine's relatives from the Philippines to join the WH tour without a reservation ahead. Two of Macrine's relatives were visiting Washington DC but had limited time and really wanted a tour of the White House before returning to the Philippines. We called David at his office. He told us he will be waiting at the WH Gate for them. They were able to join the WH tour that same day. They were so grateful, and thankful. They were so proud of David's influence/clout during their tour as well as his employment with the Clinton-Gore Administration. We learned later that they also boasted this event to their other relatives in the Philippines.      

I have written several articles on Macrine's life and accomplishments. The most recent one I am reposting as follows: 

In this blog, I am also posting one of Macrine's favorite piece of Music, Adagio, Song from a Secret Garden as follows:


There are two other interpretations of this song, that both Macrine and I loved.

Meanwhile here's a photo of the tulips from the Netherlands that Carenna gave me last year on my birthday.

I am shedding a few tears listening to the Song from the Secret Garden. 

Again my thanks to the hundreds of you who sent messages of condolences in Ditas, Dinah and my Face Book Pages. I am also thanking the several phone calls and one sympathy card that I received from relatives and friends. Last but not least were the Door Dash gift cards from Ella and Yuka.

A Very Very Special Thanks: For the last 10 days Dodie had been helping me on the clean-up of the garage and David E room as well as the paper work on David E, death benefits/insurance claims etc. Brandon Quinn( Alix Katague condo mate) came yesterday to help Dodie for a couple of hours with the computer retrieval and filling up the dumping van we rented for all the trash and mess that David had accumulated the past 59 years.  To Ian King for driving me visit David E at the hospital and drive Dodie to the airport to pick up David's car. Your help is indeed appreciated. 




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