Sunday, April 24, 2022

Elena Maeda Chellan Visits Lolo in Fair Oaks, California

Elena is only two weeks old. Elena is Yuka's new baby.  I think the last time I hold a baby was two decades ago. I felt I might dropped her. But I did not! Yuka is Macrine's niece, the oldest daughter of Jean Jambalos Maeda. 

Yesterday, Yuka and Alex ( Chellan) with their two kids and Ashley came to visit me. They brought with them Filipino dishes from the Peenoy Grocery Store in North Highlands. The food was delicious and I will have food for the next two days. Thank you again for your visit and the Pinoy goodies. Here are more photos of their most welcome visit. 

They invited me to hang out with them this summer in their big house in Roseville. Alex is free for 4 months and can drive me back and forth. The company that Alex work, is one of the few companies in the area that grant 4 months paid paternity leave.  I promised I will hang out with them before Alex 4 month paid leave expired.

After Ditas moved to Washington DC, I will need some company every now and then. Looking forward for hanging out with them in the near future. It felt good to be remembered, visited and loved.


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