Thursday, May 26, 2022

Dodie's and Ruth Vacation to Europe This Year

Dodie had plan a vacation to Europe two years ago after his retirement as Prosecuting Attorney from Contra Costa County after more than 20 years of service. However because of the pandemic all travels abroad was cut-off. It was only this year that travels restriction was lifted.  Dodie and with spouse Ruth are now in their 3rd week traveling in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Hungary. Their last week will be in London where Dodie will attend a Writing Workshop. The workshop will give him energy to finish his second novel and a head-start on his 3rd novel. His first novel "Cloyne Court" has been published several years ago and had been highly rated by readers and critics. In case you don't follow my blogs, Dodie is my oldest son. He is not only a lawyer, but also a published writer and an actor.  Since a picture is worth more than a thousand words, I say no more. Here are the photos I copied from his Facebook Page. 

Looking at the above pictures makes my isolated life here in California more bearable day by day.


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