Monday, June 27, 2022

Change of Names from Romulus & Remus to Batman & Robin-Mobile Vets Services

The other day I posted of how I adopted two kittens instead of one as I originally intended. I proposed to name them Romulus & Remus inspired by the twin brothers of Ancient Rome. Since the kittens are neither twins or brothers, the names are not appropriate. Carenna suggested Batman & Robin because of the face the older kitten looks like a Batman ( see photo above). Ditas and I agreed. The names Batman & Robin are also appropriate because the two kittens are neutered males and will grow up like Eunuchs and are now having a gay relationship. The other day I saw Batman( black face) leaking(grooming) the forehead of Robin ( white face). Robin was enjoying it. I approve it. I accept a person/pet because of their personality and not of their gender orientation. 

On the subject of adopting Two instead of One. My decision to adopt two kittens instead of one was the best decision I made the other day, Here are the reasons why, Two kittens are Better then One.    

There are many benefits to bringing home two kittens at once:

Live-in playmate!

Unlike with puppies, getting two kittens at once can actually mean less work for you! When you bring home two kittens, they will have a built-in playmate. Both kittens can burn off extra energy by chasing, pouncing and play hunting each other throughout the house. Giving them an outlet for their kitten crazies means they’ll have less energy to engage in destructive behaviors like scratching the couch!

Fewer behavioral issues.

Raising two kittens means that your cats will pick up on feline behavior cues. Both kittens will learn how to behave socially and will be more well-adjusted! Cats learn how to “speak” cat by interacting with other cats, so raising your kittens together ensures they will learn how hard to play, how to share territory, how to communicate their needs and many other crucial social skills. In the future if you add more cats to your household, your kittens will understand how to interact with them and the new addition will have an easier transition into the family.

Keep each other company.

If you work long hours, a single kitten can become lonely being the only one in the house. Despite the jokes that cats prefer their own company, kittens are actually very social creatures! The territorial nature of cats is a main factor in them seeking solitude, and it generally doesn’t kick in until adulthood. For this reason, kittens crave the attention and fun of a playmate. Having two cats at home means you don’t have to feel guilty leaving for work or vacation since you know they will keep each other company.

Increased learning.

Kittens learn by copying the behaviors of others, so having two kittens means less time training them for tasks such as using the litter box. Kittens learn the basics of how to gauge distance, walk along narrow objects, balance, climb, tumble and stalk during the first year of their life. Having another kitten to copy and learn from can help your cat understand his limits during playtime and keep him safer into his adult years. In addition, if one of your kittens has a bigger personality while the other is quiet and nervous, the more adventurous kitten may help teach your shy cat to be more confident and playful!

Better grooming habits.

Kittens normally begin to groom themselves between 4 and 5 weeks old. Often kittens will groom each other as a sign of protection and affection. It’s difficult for cats to reach their own faces and ears, so they may rely on the other cats in their home to keep these areas tidy.

Healthier cats.

Having two cats reduces the chance that your cats will be overweight. Even as they get older, cats will often start up games with each other resulting in zooming around the house, pouncing from underneath furniture or jumping up on cat trees. Living an active lifestyle as they age and not becoming overweight will increase their lifespan and keep them healthier overall.

Save your senior cat’s sanity.

Even if you have another cat in the house, it might be a good idea to consider bringing home two kittens. While introducing a new kitten into the family can help to get your senior pet moving, one kitten’s endless drive to play can harass an older cat who wants to spend his days snoozing and not babysitting.

Costs remain relatively similar.

The great thing about two kittens is that two hardly costs more than just one! Kittens can share litter boxes, cat trees, food and water bowls, beds and toys! Some rescues will offer discounts on two kittens who are bonded or from the same litter to ensure that they go to the same home. Veterinary costs for vaccinations and deworming will be a little more for two kittens, but if you enroll in pet insurance you can choose coverage that will reimburse for the costs of annual wellness care to save you money on veterinary costs! 

Twice the love for less work.

You only have to kitten-proof your house once regardless of how many kitties you’re bringing home. Two kittens means two new lives in your house that will provide double the entertainment, snuggles and love!


  • Look for kittens from the same litter or a pair that bonded during their time in an animal shelter. That way you’re guaranteed that their personalities will match!
  • It’s suggested that you choose two male cats or a male and female combination if bringing home two kittens who are not already bonded as they tend to get along better than two females.
  • Cats generally don’t like eating close together, so consider placing your kittens’ food bowls across the room from each other.
Batman & Robin have already bonded during their time at the Animal Shelter.

So far I am enjoying the two kittens. It will keep me busy and company all year round. Adopting two kittens instead of one was the best decision I have made so far.

New Things I learned Today: Mobile Vets: Since I do not drive, I made an appointment for an animal doctor for home visit to give Batman & Robin their 3rd vaccination. This is the first time I used the services of a Mobile Vets for Pet Care. A little bit expensive than a regular Vets office visit, but worth it.  No waiting, no pet cages and no driving! I have also ordered Cat Food ( both wet and Dry) from Pet Smart on line.


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