Thursday, June 9, 2022

Congratulations to Catherine Sandoval on her White House Nomination

 Photo Credit: YouTube

The White House recently announced the nomination of Catherine Sandoval for the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. My congratulations to a well deserved and long overdue nomination. May her Senate Confirmation  be fast and smooth.

Ms Sandoval was Ditas ( my youngest daughter) boss  when she was still working for the State of California. I met Catherine and her husband in our Fair Oaks residence about 2 years ago during the wake celebration of Macrine. Again my congratulations and more Power to you.  Here's the Press Release on her nomination. For other nominations read the site below. 

Catherine J.K. Sandoval, Nominee for Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board

Catherine J.K. Sandoval is a tenured Law Professor at Santa Clara University (SCU) who teaches and conducts research on energy, communications, antitrust, and contract law. A regulatory and legal expert for more than thirty years and a safety leader for more than two decades, her interdisciplinary work advances infrastructure safety, reliability, access, and equity. She directs three institutes at SCU Law. Sandoval served a six-year term as a Commissioner of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), appointed by Governor Brown and unanimously confirmed by the California State Senate. During her prior federal service, she served as Director of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC), Office of Communications Business Opportunities. Former California Governor Davis appointed her to serve as Undersecretary and Senior Policy Advisor for Housing, and previously as Staff Director of California’s Business, Transportation, and Housing Agency. In that capacity she worked with law enforcement including the California Highway Patrol to respond to infrastructure vulnerabilities and hazardous incidents. 

Sandoval hails from a trailer park, the barrio of East Los Angeles, and then Montebello, California, and became the first in her family to earn a B.A. degree. She was the first Latina selected as a Rhodes Scholar, the first tenured Latina Law Professor at SCU Law, and the first Latinx CPUC Commissioner. She served as a law clerk to Judge Dorothy W. Nelson of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. She earned a B.A. from Yale University, a Master of Letters from Oxford University, and a J.D. from Stanford Law School.



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