Friday, June 3, 2022

Take Out with Lisa Ling- Food and Tidbits of History of Asian Americans

Ditas alerted me the other day of this documentary of Lisa Ling. I have enjoyed all of Lisa Ling TV documentaries but Take Out is my favorite. The series does not only make me hungry but also reminded me of the struggles Asian-Americans  encountered in the US.  EPISODE 1 is about the history of the first Filipino-American settlement in New Orleans and a must viewed if you have Filipino ancestry in your veins. 

I just finished all 6 episodes of Lisa Ling Take Out a documentary on HBO the other day. Viewing this documentary makes me proud of my roots as an Asian-American, but specifically as a Filipino-American. I recommend this HBO series to all Asian Americans.  It will make you hungry and learned a little bit of history and the struggle of Asian Americans for assimilation to the main stream life in White America.  A TV series worth your time.

"Take Out explores the history of the Filipinos in Louisiana, the Chinese in Northern California, the Vietnamese in Orange County’s Little Saigon, the Bangladeshis in New York, the Japanese in L.A’s Boyle Heights, and the Koreans in Fairfax County, Virginia—and how all of those immigrant groups used food to find their footing in the United States and understand themselves and the people around them". 


For complete details visit:

‘Take Out with Lisa Ling’ Is a Delicious Crash Course on Asian America

It’s a food show, sure—but it’s really more of a history lesson that’ll also make you hungry. 



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