Monday, July 4, 2022

How to Manage Stress in Your Life- Happy July 4th

Batman & Robin-My New Cuties

Last week, I have posted blogs on the chemistry and genetics of mental disorders that may have been triggered by stress in your life. I also wrote that I adopted two kittens, Batman & Robin that help me alleviate my feelings of loneliness as a Senior Citizen living alone. Today's article will be the 10 ways how to manage stress in your life. 

Note that the #8 way is to bond with your pet. The following article I found very informative. Enjoy and have a stress-free life! Happy July 4th and the rest of summer. 

"It’s key to recognize stressful situations as they occur because it allows you to focus on managing how you react," Dr. Stoll says. "We all need to know when to close our eyes and take a deep breath when we feel tension rising."

Use these tips to prevent or reduce chronic stress.

1. Re-balance Work and Home

All work and no play? If you’re spending too much time at the office, intentionally put more dates in your calendar to enjoy time for fun, either alone or with others.

2. Build in Regular Exercise

Moving your body on a regular basis balances the nervous system and increases blood circulation, helping to flush out stress hormones. Even a daily 20-minute walk makes a difference.

3. Eat Well and Limit Alcohol and Stimulants

Alcohol, nicotine and caffeine may temporarily relieve stress but have negative health impacts and can make stress worse in the long run. Well-nourished bodies cope better, so start with a good breakfast, add more organic fruits and vegetables, avoid processed foods and sugar, and drink more water.

4. Connect with Supportive People

Talking face to face with another person release hormones that reduce stress. Lean on those good listeners in your life.

5. Carve out Hobby Time

Do you enjoy gardening, reading, listening to music or some other creative pursuit? Engage in activities that bring you pleasure and joy; research shows that reduces stress by almost half and lowers your heart rate, too.

6. Practice Meditation, Stress Reduction or Yoga

Relaxation techniques activate a state of restfulness that counterbalances your body’s fight-or-flight hormones. Consider taking a mindfulness-based stress reduction course to learn effective, lasting tools.

7. Sleep Enough

If you get less than seven to eight hours of sleep, your body won’t tolerate stress as well as it could. If stress keeps you up at night, address the cause and add extra meditation into your day to make up for the lost z’s.

8. Bond with Your Pet

Clinical studies show that spending even a short time with a companion animal can cut anxiety levels almost in half.

9. Take a Vacation

Getting away from it all can reset your stress tolerance by increasing your mental and emotional outlook, which makes you a happier, more productive person upon return. Leave your cellphone and laptop at home!

10. See a Counselor, Coach or Therapist

If negative thoughts overwhelm your ability to make positive changes, it’s time to seek professional help. Make an appointment today—your health and life are worth it. For more details read: 

Meanwhile enjoy this photo of what I ordered from recently

Argentinian Empanada- I added the peas in the dish- forgot to include the chimichurri Sauce that was supposed to be with my order.

Chimichurri sauce is made with fresh herbs, garlic, vinegar, chili pepper and olive oil. It livens up pretty much anything you throw at it and you can use it 100 different ways. Try spooning it over steak, shrimp, chicken and vegetables. You can also toss it with pasta or rice.  What does chimichurri taste like?
If we could only use one word to describe chimichurri sauce, it would be “bright.” The combination of fresh cilantro and parsley pack an herbaceous flavor, while the red pepper flakes bring a hint of spice.
The Pet Gate I recently purchased so that Batman & Robin can not roam in the living room because of my house plants.


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