Friday, July 22, 2022

My Red Crape Myrtle ( Banaba) Now in Full Bloom


In spite of the extreme heat, my red crape myrtle is in full bloom. Notice the brown grass( dormant lawn), because I only water once a week to conserve. The grass will turn green next year when the rains start. Most of the lawns in this neighborhood are brown with exception of a few green lawn lunatics and those house-lawns with water-resistant ground covers. It is patriotic and wise to conserve water in this drought.

Crape Myrtle is known as Banaba in the Philippines. There are several color varieties ranging from white, light pink, dark pink, purple to dark red.   

Banaba, or Lagerstroemia speciosa, is a tree native to tropical Southeast Asia. It belongs to the genus Lagerstroemia, also known as Crape Myrtle .

The tree is widely distributed in India, Malaysia, and the Philippines, where it’s known as Jarul, Pride of India, or Giant Crape Myrtle.

Almost every part of the tree offers medicinal properties. For example, the bark is often used to treat diarrhea, while its root and fruit extracts are believed to have an analgesic, or pain-relieving, effect.

The leaves contain over 40 beneficial compounds, of which corosolic acid and ellagic acid stand out. Though the leaves offer a variety of benefits, their ability to lower blood sugar levels appears the most potent and sought after For Health Benefits of Banaba leaves read: 

I have no pineapple fruit this season. The photo below was my pineapple plant last year in the pot in my front patio.


My Potted Pineapple this Year- No Fruit-just new growth 


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