Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Two Okra Dishes Available from

This dish is prepared by Shef Farah formerly from Punjabi, Pakistan. This is in my future order list -Bhindi Masala

1.Bhindi Masala is a very simple dish, yet comforting, healthy, and full of flavors. This is one of my family's favorite dishes at almost every gathering we have. Prepared by sautéing the okra separately in canola oil and then mixed and cooked together with onions, tomatoes, ginger/garlic, green chilies, and spices. Enjoy this with fresh roti. This dish is similar to my own recipe-sauteing okra in either oyster sauce or shrimp paste with vinegar.  Price: $12.99 for 12 oz container.

Prepared by Shef Amelia formerly from Liberia, Africa

2. Okra Stew is a smooth and savory stew that would make anyone who is opposed to okra more willing to try this amazing dish. The main three components of this dish are the okra, chicken, and beef. The sides for the meal are three pieces of plantain, a Serrano pepper, sauteed onion, slices of tomatoes, and slices of cucumber. I ordered this dish yesterday. Delivery in 2 days. Price: $15.99 for 8 oz container.

For other recipes read:

This is my own recipe-Okra with Pork and Shrimp Paste. I have a variation recipe using oyster sauce.



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