Monday, September 5, 2022

I Love My Red Burgundy Okra Plants and Its Flowers

I have 7 red burgundy okra plants as well as the One Common Green Okra this year. Do you know the Difference? 


The common green-podded okra varieties are the usual grown in summer gardens, but varieties with red pods are those that can deliver a dual role of an edible and an ornamental crop. Red, sometimes called magenta or purple okra, makes an unusual and fun addition to an ornamental garden.
It did not become popular because it was expensive. However, some farmers are growing it now as it is known to have more nutritional benefits than the green variety.” Red Okra, which is rich in anthocyanins and phenolics, can be grown in both summer and rainy seasons.


Only one Green Okra survived to Maturity in the Garden-but I have 7 Red Burgundy variety survived from the seedlings stage.

Okra is one of the few crops that thrive in high temperatures and this year with the hot, dry weather it is the star of my garden.

Okra is in the family Malvaceae (mallow family), the same family as the hibiscus. The blossoms of okra and hibiscus are similar, but okra has large yellow petals with dark purple throats and gives the added benefit of edible pods. The common green-podded okra varieties are the usual grown in summer gardens, but varieties with red pods are those that can deliver a dual role of an edible and an ornamental crop.

Burgundy okra has green leaves with burgundy stems, leaf ribs, and branches. The burgundy-colored 6″-8″ long pods turn green when cooked. Okra is used as the thickening agent in Cajun gumbo, but it also can be boiled, broiled, fried, roasted, steamed, canned, or pickled. Use dried pods in flower arrangements! Okra has attractive, edible flowers.

Okra – Burgundy – Abelmoschus esculentus

Soil & Water: Okra prefers moderately rich soil. Its low water requirements make it an easy plant to grow.

Planting & Growing: Okra is heat loving. Sow seeds outside in spring after all danger of frost has passed, when the soil temperature has reached 70F. It’s a good succession plant after early, spring-maturing crops. Expect good yields on this 4-6′ tall, bushy plant.  Makes a great trellis for pole beans and other vining plants.

Harvesting & Storage: Pick okra pods when they are 2″-3″ long for tenderness. They are best tasting when eaten the same day. Some people develop a contact dermatitis while handling okra; avoid the itchiness by wearing a long-sleeved shirt and gloves.

  • Soil Temperature: 75-95F
  • Planting Depth: 3/4″-1″
  • Germination: 5-15 Days
  • Height At Maturity: 4′-5′
  • Days To Maturity: 49-65 Days
  • Sun/Shade: Full Sun
  • Spacing After Thinning: 12″



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