Friday, September 23, 2022

Oxtails from Safeway for My Kare-Kare

Beef Oxtail (each)

$33.45- Beef Oxtails (eight) at ($17.60/lb)
Last week I purchased 8 Oxtails from Safeway. It is not cheap, But I had a longing for kare-kare and I could only order from Doordash this dish on Fridays and Saturday for $27.99 for 2 oxtails. Cooking it myself will give me several pieces of oxtails for a few more dollars.

Here's my favorite recipe for oxtail Kare-Kare. The tripe is optional. I also used pork hock and pigs feet for this recipe. Here's the recipe for your reading pleasure.

The vegetables are cooked separately in the above recipe for better plating and perfect cooking.

There are other recipes that I follow at times as follows:

Meanwhile enjoy this photo of my recent and may be the last of my purple okra harvest of the season.

Not as popular as the common green okra-but more nutritious and also grown as an ornamental plant in the garden!  


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