Friday, September 30, 2022

Photo Memories of Our Vacation in Southern Spain and in Tangiers, Morocco

While searching for old photos from my files, I found the following article of our( (Macrine and I) one week vacation in Marbella, Spain including a one-day tour of the Rock of Gibraltar.  Pleasant Memories Indeed and Thank you Lord for another beautiful day here in Northern California. Sorry About Ian devastation in Florida and South Carolina this week.

Macrine very closed to a Tamed Barbary Monkey overlooking the Gibraltar Strait

While cleaning the garage, Dodie discovered some old photos from David E photo files and it included photos of our vacation in Spain and the Rock Of Gibraltar in 2000. I am posting it here. We stayed at the Four Seasons Resort in Marbella and had one day tour to the Alhambra Gardens in Granada and the City of Malaga. We also had a one day tour to the Rock of Gibraltar and had lunch in Tangiers, Morocco, North Africa. Ella and Ditas joined us in Marbella and also in Granada but not in Tangiers. 

Ella and Ditas joined us in Marbella after their tour in Morocco, Africa

 The Rock of Gibraltar showing the tour buses Parking Lot

 Ditas and I posing at the Reflecting Pool and Court Yard of the Alhambra Gardens, Granada

Lunch Break during our tour and a Photo of the Altar of the Catholic Church in downtown Marbella

Macrine and I had lunch at one of the restaurants in Tangiers, Morocco

For details visit:

Note: Dodie and Ruth are now vacationing in Spain, the last couple of weeks.  


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