Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Introducing My Filipino-American Home Care Aide

Doris chopping onions and green papaya for the Chicken Tinola and Ginataan Dishes  

Today is the second day of my Home Care Aide services via the Golden Years Home Care Agency of the Sacramento Area. This morning I noticed she was in front of the house 15 minutes early. In her first day last week, she cooked Chicken Afritada and did light housekeeping with a good attitude. She is very industrious. Although she is 76 years old, she moved like a 65 year old and still active/capable to do light housekeeping. This morning she help me cook some banana/blueberry pancakes using my newly purchased pancake maker. 

Her assignment today is to prepare two chicken dishes. She is exempted from light housekeeping since my 2 cleaning ladies will be here later in the afternoon.  The first dish is Chicken Tinola ( soup with baby bok choy and green papaya). The second dish is Adobo na Manok sa Gata ( Chicken in Spicy Coconut Milk with Green Papaya).   

Her name is Doris Penas. She is a widow with 4 adults children and several grand children all residing in the Sacramento Area. She came to the US when she was 21 years old and settled with relatives in the Yuba City Area. She was born/raised in Pampanga, Philippines.  Later she married an Anglo-American with Indian ancestry and 7 years after their marriage they were divorced. Her oldest child was only 5 years old at that time.

Today she lives with her married son and daughter-in-law in Sacramento. She works because she is bored staying at home and also to be away from her daughter-in -law during the day. She told me it is sometimes hard to get along with her daughter-in-law but tries her very best not to create tension in their daily lives ( pakisama). 

I have not used her driving services. However she told me, she is familiar in driving long distances and in big cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Her eyes is still great and she is not wearing any glasses except for reading.   I am rating her 4 star as of today.  

Today, 11/16 is Doris second day of service. She cooked me breakfast ( Pinoy sausage and scramble eggs with tomatoes/sweet onion. With her own initiative she started cleaning the glass sliding door in the Family room. A 5 star work ethic! 

Looking forward for her future services.


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