Wednesday, March 15, 2023

So You Want to be a Real Estate Agent?

So You want to be a Real Estate Agent?

Today, the world stock market went downhill, with 2 banks in the US into bankcruptcy.  It is a wrong time for the real estate market ( to Sell and Buy) as the mortgage interest rates are near 7%.  However, personally I have plans to downsize and list my home beginning April 1 and maybe moved to a smaller place to be near my oldest daughter, so I would not be living alone. It appeared this may have to be moved perhaps another month or so and hopefully the real estate market will improve.   I have hired a realtor from Coldwell Banker and he appears to have the personality of an excellent real estate agent. Today my blog is about Real Estate Agents.  

A recent article from the NY Times discussed that the pandemic had inspired many to be come a real estate agents. The  reasons are discussed in this site:

Several months ago, I also had a heart to heart talk with a close relative. She plans to retire early from her high pressure job and planning what to do after early retirement ( only 62 years old). She has a friend who is a successful realtor. This friend had been mentoring her about real estate( how to prepare for closing cost documents etc..) and she likes it.  Her friend is making good money as a realtor. She told my close relative she paid $75,000 in taxes last year.  Her realtor friend was smirking on the $750 dollars that Lame Duck President Trump paid in taxes in income tax a few years ago.

Knowing the personality and abilities of my closed relative, I believe she will be a good and successful real estate agent.    However, I was curious of what is in the Internet on this subject. Here's what I found on the qualities that you will need to be a successful real estate agent( see link below).  Here's a video of the 10 traits you need to have to be a successful realtor.

Meanwhile enjoy this photo from my collection

Red Sunset from Bodega Bay. California 2020

and a video of one of Macrine's favorite music, Secret Garden by Poeme

Looking forward for spring and the end of this torrential rain here in  Northern California.


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