Saturday, March 25, 2023

Some of My High School Poetry and Writings

While looking at some of my accumulations for the past six decades that I am planning for the dump in preparation of my downsizing, I found an album on my High School Memoirs. It contained photos and some of my writings for our high school newspaper. I was the Associate Editor of our Newspaper.

Here are some of my poetry and an article I wrote on the Advantages and Disadvantages of an Eldest Child during my freshman year in high school. 

My First Acrostic Poem and my first teen-age crush-Florence ( an imaginary name)

I realized what my dreams were

Only the whims and fancies of thoughts

They're nothing but abstract dreams

On the blue horizon of the western sky.

Showing my Love to My Motherland-The Philippines and High school, Barotac Viejo High ( BAVIHI) 
Sunset Taken from the Balcony of the Chateau Du Mer Beach House

Reading my above writings again brought pleasant memories of my high school years-1947-1951. Needless to say, I will keep the album of Memoirs of My High School Years.


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