Monday, April 24, 2023

A Welcome Visit from Yuka, Alex and Family

Alex Jr. with my newly Resurfaced and Tiled Swimming Pool as Background 

A visit from a relative is always welcome since I have been living alone( over a year now) except for my 2 cats. Yesterday, Yuka, Alex, Alex Jr and Elena visited me bringing with them Pinoy dishes from the Oriental Market in Roseville.

The two dishes ( Nilaga na Baka- Beef soup with Vegetables and Goat Calderetta) were delicious. However, the Calderetta* was out of this world. The meat was tender ( young/baby goat ribs and some fatty tissue) was super delicious. I planned on ordering this dish on line, but I found out that the Oriental Market is not on Doordash or Grubhub.

A few weeks ago was Elena One-year birthday. I gave her a Snoopy and a Baby Bear Music Boxes from Macrine's Music Boxes collection. It will be a souvenir from her Lola Macrine.   Here are some photos from their visit:

Young Alex is no longer scared of me. He gave me several hugs, but when I picked up Elena, she started crying. Alex Jr gave her the bottle to calm her down. I am looking forward to visit them in their big house in Roseville this weekend. 

*Here's a link and recipe for the Kambing Calderetta if you want to cook it yourself.


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