Monday, May 1, 2023

Seven Staged Photos versus Actual of My House For Sale Today

The Seven Staged Photos of My House came today. It looks nice but to me it looks fake and indeed staged. Personally, I love the actual photos than the staged one. But if the staged photos sells who am I to complain. Here are the staged photos of the family room, living room and master bedroom along with the corresponding actual photos. Judge for yourself.

The Staged Living Room without the Piano featuring the Picture Window

The Actual Living Room with the Piano and Other Furnishings/Clutters

The Staged Family Room-the only actual photo is the sliding door and drapes/Fire Place/Patio Scene/Walls

My Actual Family Room with all its Clutters-Photos etc..-Not as Inviting.

The Staged Master Bedroom with completely different furnishings

My Actual Master Bedroom and its Furnishings with a view to the Patio

So judge for yourself. Do you like the staged photos better than the real live-in photos? Personally I love my actual live-in photos. It is real and not staged or digitally altered. The wonders of Digital Photography and Staging in action!

The House is in the Virtual World today. My realtor and I agreed that the List Price will be 580K. This is the lowest range of the property valuation of the house. Meanwhile enjoy this photo of my newly resurfaced and tiled swimming pool and backyard landscaping. 

Here's the link:

One Hour after Posting- A prospective buyer requested a tour after 3PM today,



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